云泥之别[yún ní zhī bié]
clouds and mud; great difference in social standing
1. 云泥之别的近义词
1. 现在呢,她高高在上,跟自己的地位简直是云泥之别。
Now she was as high above him as the clouds were from the mud.
2. 但如今的头发移植技术与昔日相比已有云泥之别,就像iPhone电话相比于20世纪80年代笨重的车载电话一样。53岁的记者布赖恩。
But today's hair transplant technology is as far removed from yesterday's as the iPhone is from the clunky 1980s car phone.
3. 我们与动物的不同并不是我们所想像的那么具有云泥之别。
Agine ourselves iilore dierentiom the animals than we are.
4. 云泥之别的近义词
4. 就算是游戏比如Quake,diablo,wow如果和一般的应用程序比较的话真是云泥之别。
Somehow, when most applications are designed a process is followed that inevitably leads to one or more nice and neat application programs.
5. 云泥之别的解释
5. 不同的创作目的尽管可能使用了同样的艺术手法与形式语言,但其审美的韵味与彰显的精神品格则有云泥之别。本策展之艺术体现了陶艺家对永恒价值的一种追求和信心。
Different purposes with even identical skills or techniques, however, lead to different styles and easthetical values and this Exhibition is intended for the pursuit and belief for eternal values by the ceremic artists.
6. 但如今的头发移植技术与昔日相比已有云泥之别,就像iPhone电话相比于20世纪80年代笨重的车载电话一样。53岁的记者布赖恩·比科姆著有《头发移植日记》,他等了二十多年才做了这个手术。
But today`s hair transplant technology is as far removed from yesterday`s as the iPhone is from the clunky 1980s car phone.
7. 云泥之别的近义词
7. 两位中锋近期状态有云泥之别,不过,在与德国、伊朗队的两场比赛之后不难看出,高洪波的选择是正确的,正所谓疑人不用用人不疑,高洪波的信任让我们了看到一个超级中锋的影子。
The recent state of the two center lin, however, with Germany, Iran, after the two games is not hard to see, the choice of Gao Hongbo is correct, the suspect is not employing the so-called non-suspect, Gao Hongbo Let us trust in the to see the shadow of a super center.
8. 对於这些仅因命运乖蹇而处境遂有云泥之别的同胞,他们难道没有恻隐之心吗?噢,是的;那些乘客对於拉车者常表达怜悯之意,尤其路况不佳时-这种事经常发生-或者碰到山路特别陡峭的状况。
Was not their very luxury rendered intolerable to them by comparison with the lot of their brothers and sisters in the harness, and the knowledge that their own weight added to their toil?