1. danci.911cha.com
1. 路云阁1,蔡运龙2
LU Yun-ge 1, CAI Yun-long 2
2. 云阁
2. 小西天由三组建筑物构成,摩云阁建在凤凰山之凤头上,中院建于凤背,大雄宝殿与延伸的山头合为凤尾,加上沟两帝的山翼为凤之双翅,远观之,俨然一展翅欲飞的凤凰。
Xiao xi tian constituted by three groups of buildings, built on Mount Court of crested on Fenghuangshan, YU Feng back in the hospital building, an extension of Main Hall and the hills together Fissidens, together with the Timor Gap mountain two wings of the two-for-feng wings, too short, like a Phoenixzhan chi yu fei.
3. 拂云阁是园内最高的建筑,三层红楼迤逦而上,四檐金瓦熠熠生光,耸立于蓝天碧波之间,一见之下顿起登临之意。
Seeing three red floors with up winding and four eaves with shining golden tiles of kissing cloud pavilion between sky and water, you cannot help climbing at once.
4. 在凝云阁雪茄吧,品茗着清冽甘醇的美酒佳酿,点燃馥郁芳香的极品雪茄,堪称是人生至高享受。
CUBA LOUNGE An extensive selection of cigars from our large humidor and international liquors and spirits at Cuba.