


词典five seasons[医]五时。

五季 双语例句

1. 五季什么意思

1. 对我来说,第一和第五季。。。算是夹挡了所有你可以看到在中间的巨大故事线。
    For me, the first season and the fifth … kind of bookend everything where you can see this huge arc in between.

2. 五季什么意思

2. 星巴克营收已连跌三季,同时在过去六季中有五季获利下跌。
    Meanwhile, profits have fallen in five out of the past six quarters.

3. 五季

3. Shane在第五季初端是怎样的?
    Mel: How is Shane at the beginning of Season 5?

4. 电视昆汀执导了热门电视剧集《 CSI美国犯罪现场鉴证》第五季的最后一集,该集在2005年 5月19日首次播出。
    He had then planned to make the war film Inglorious Bastards. However, he postponed that to write and direct Kill Bill released as two films, Vol.

5. 五季

5. 哪家电视台就不能把它续接过去,拍个五季的么?!
    It has to get picked up by someone for another season or five!

6. 五季

6. 这对他来说肯定是变化太大了,但是第五季结束之后我们始终觉得他会重返荧屏(24从来没有为重要的死亡无声读秒)。
    It`s been a roller coaster for him, definitely. But we always knew he could come back after Day Five.

7. 他始终作为主演参加了第四和第五季的演出,以及正在播放的第六季。
    He has since continued to be a main cast member on the show for the fourth and fifth seasons and is currently working on the sixth season.

8. 我感觉我在第五季建立了某些东西,那是我想要持续下去的。
    I feel like I set up something in season five that I`d like to keep going.

9. 我们在第五季里会看到你出现多少集呢?
    How many episodes can we expect to see you in for Season 5?

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 你对第五季有什么感想?
    What are your feelings for season 5?

11. 在第五季里很多被探讨的是:她是怎样约会的?
      A lot of what's explored in fifth season is how does she date?

12. 五季的近义词

12. 在第五季之后你有了更多的新粉丝呢,你是这一季里最棒的。
      You got so many new fans after season 5 and you were the best in that season.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 在后来第五季发生的事情打乱了一切。
      What then happens in Seson 5 confuses all of this.

14. 在第五季甚至是第六季的最后,你希望看到个怎样的shane?
      Where would you like to see Shane at the end of season five or even season six?

15. 这部英国喜剧第五季是在2008年开播的,是有史以来最尴尬难堪、最滑稽有趣的一季。
      The fifth season of this brilliant UK comedy aired in 2008, more excruciatingly embarassing and hilarious than ever.

16. 1楼《识骨寻踪》第五季第10集的圣诞特集看起来会是非常和谐有趣的一集,除了女主角妹妹的客串,还有圣诞老人有关的案子以及所有人欢聚一堂的圣诞大餐。
      In this clip, Emily Deschanel, who plays Temperance Brennan on Bones and her younger sister Zooey Deschanel talk about working together on this episode.

17. 今年四十九岁的胡德,从一月十日下午四点,开始在伊利诺州毛刺岭的五季运动俱乐部踩固定式健身脚踏车,并且在一月十四日晚间八点二十八分,打破先前八十二小时的纪录,但是他一直骑到午夜前几分钟,完成八十五小时的目标后才停下来。
      He stopped several minutes before midnight after completing his goal of 85 hours.

18. 五季

18. 地铁偷拍,迷人的姿势勾魂的表情,男人呼市4越狱逃犯简称是什么?笑死你!99街史上第一高楼。。。兽兽门第五季罕见照,回复可见!
      For retributory a few tree bills you can acquirement the ability of fishing from abounding a trainer throughout the acreage of Nazareth.

19. 五季什么意思

19. 我的意思是说,有时候你没得选择,不过我觉得在第五季的结局篇里,她的故事还没有完结,她的事情还没有搞定。
      Cause I didn`t feel like Helena Peabody had been finalized.

20. 《行尸走肉》将会在2月8日回归第五季后半季。
      The Walking Dead returns on Feb. 8 to resume its fifth season.