

Five flags;
五彩旗 双语例句

1. 穿行在大街小巷,两眼看到的是各个单位精心布置的恭贺国庆六十周年的五彩旗,红旗迎风飘扬,彩旗五星闪烁,每个家庭的小五星、小彩旗,聚成一个全中国的花团锦簇,红色的旗海就像天上宫阙里的繁星一样布满天空,一闪一闪,眨巴着眼睛,在庆祝祖国十月的六十寿诞,在欢呼翻天覆地的新胜利。
    Walking in the streets, eyes see is carefully laid out the various units of the sixtieth anniversary of National Day to congratulate the five flags, red flags fluttering in the wind, the five-star flash banners, each family a small five-star, small flags, gather into a whole of China, decorated with flowers and, the red flag inside the palace sea was like the sky, like the stars covered the sky, twinkling, blink his eyes, in October to celebrate the country's 60 birthday, in the earth-shaking new victory cheers.