

In order;
井井有序 双语例句

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1. 厨房是开放式的,可以看见里面井井有序的烹调过程。
    The kitchen is opening and the cooking process can be seen inside.

2. 井井有序在线翻译

2. 所以你的软件要尽可能的让事情井井有序取来。
    Therefore the software you write for these devices should also take this fact into account.

3. 井井有序的意思

3. 爆炸只会带来破坏和毁灭,怎麽就偏偏炸出了一个井井有序的太阳系呢?
    Explosions only bring about destruction. How could this one have brought about an orderly solar system?

4. 井井有序的反义词

4. 精美时尚,端端正正,有了这个小小的牙刷座,我们零乱的洗手台变得井井有序
    Exquisite fashion Is correct, there is this small toothbrush Block, we disorder has become the washbasin Well Ordered!

5. 在你的公司,他们管理得井井有序
    They run a tight ship here at your company, don`t they?

6. 井井有序的解释

6. 大家都知道英国是欧洲公认的君子国,社会文明有序,井井有条。
    We all know that Britain is in Europe recognized the Gentleman, a civilized social order, tidiness.

7. 每件事都井井有条;他的书总是摆放得很好;事情应该是有序的。
    Everything is in order; his books are always just so; things must be exactly so.

8. 因为它们非常科学,一切都安排得井井有条,供你有序地学习。
    Everything is nicely arranged for you to learn in order.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 因此,我们每天的学习,安排得井井有条,非常有序。
    Therefore, our days were very scheduled and orderly.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 世界已经不再像二战前呈现一副井井有序的模样,不过现代主义住宅也不都是失败之作。
    The world is not as tidy a place as it appeared to be before the second world war, but not all modernist housing was a failure either.

11. 我想要个妻,帮我洗衣、烫衣、缝补添置新衣,把我的个人物品收拾得井井有条,摆放有序,以便我需要什么,马上就能找到。
      I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the mimute I need it.

12. 井井有序

12. 这是因为喜爱有条不紊的人只考虑了整洁有序的好处,而忽略了维持井井有条的成本。
      That is because the tidiness lobby counts the benefits of neatness, but not its costs.