

亡国灭种[wáng guó miè zhǒng]

词典ruin the state and destroy the race亡国灭种。

词典national subjugation and genocide亡国灭种。

亡国灭种 汉英大词典

亡国灭种[wáng guó miè zhǒng]

ruin the state and destroy the race; national subjugation and genocide

亡国灭种 网络解释

1. extinction; being conquered and destroyed:和衷共濟 solidarity; fighting together with one accord | 亡國滅種 extinction; being conquered and destroyed | 萬眾一心 pull together; join hands; make joint efforts; be united as one

2. National subjugation and genocide:汪辜会谈 Wang Daohan-Koo Chen-fu Talks (Wang-Koo talks) | 亡国灭种 National subjugation and genocide | 王储,王太子 Crown prince