

亲炙[qīn zhì]


词典be personally tutored亲炙。


词典study under sb.'s direct guidance亲炙。

亲炙 汉英大词典

亲炙[qīn zhì]

[书] be personally tutored; study under sb.'s direct guidance

亲炙 双语例句

1. 不喜欢朝九晚五的工作;第二是念书期间亲炙了一些教学
    Reasons. First, I do not like nine-to-five jobs. Second, I was

2. 亲炙

2. 这类艺术品的制作目的,彷佛是为了将皇帝无法亲炙的外在世界移置到他眼前,令其遣兴抒意。
    The purpose of this kind of artwork is seemingly to amuse the emperor by transplanting the outer world to his face where he himself can never be present.

3. 亲炙的意思

3. 林林总总的实物将带领观者走进夫人的生活天地,彷佛亲炙其境,亲闻其声。
    The miscellaneous display bring viewer into Madam`s life world.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 下一代逐渐亲炙土地而台湾意识随之成长茁壮。
    Taiwanese consciousness grew stronger and sronger in the following generation, as people became increasingly attached to the land.