

人世沧桑[rén shì cāng sāng]

词典Human events are as uncertain as the weather.人世沧桑。

词典instability of human affairs人世沧桑。

词典mutability of human affairs人间沧桑;人世沧桑。


词典the vicissitudes of human affairs人世沧桑。

人世沧桑 汉英大词典

人世沧桑[rén shì cāng sāng]


Human events are as uncertain as the weather.; instability of human affairs; mutability of human affairs; the vicissitudes of human affairs; tremendous changes in the world

人世沧桑 网络解释

1. ren shi cang sang:韬光养晦 tao guang yang hui | 人世沧桑 ren shi cang sang | 凤毛麟角 feng mao lin jiao

人世沧桑 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 这个小故事描写的是人世沧桑,也可能与他个人的爱情不幸有某些联系——他少年时代曾经热恋过一个名叫伏格德的村女,而无结果。
    Ib's house was well and prettily furnished; for he was a prosperous man now, while the mother of the little girl rested in the churchyard at Copenhagen, where she had died in poverty.

2. 人世沧桑

2. 人世沧桑,物换星移,逝去的是时光,变化的是心境。
    Vicissitudes world, the time and the time elapsed, the mood is changing.

3. 人世沧桑

3. 苏东坡已经是一个悟透人世沧桑的高人,依然被别人的情绪所左右,可见我们要达到生命豁然开朗的境界,还需要很多的修炼。
    This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

4. 他的乐曲中充满斗争、烦恼、苦闷、失意、喜悦等人间七情六欲的交织,是遍历人世沧桑者最伟大的精神安慰,也是勃拉姆斯留给世人的精神至宝。
    His music with struggle, worry, depressed and frustrated, joy among the seven feelings six desires such as traverse intertexture, who is the greatest living vicissitudes of life, but also spiritual comfort the spirit of left to the world Brahms this treasure.

5. 人世沧桑的翻译

5. 谁说修行人没有感情,不能明白人世沧桑
    Who said that spiritual practitioners do not have emotions and cannot understand the vicissitudes of life?