

人各有志[rén gè yǒu zhì]

词典Different people have different aspirations.人各有志。

词典Everyone has his own ambition.人各有志。

人各有志 汉英大词典

人各有志[rén gè yǒu zhì]

Different people have different aspirations.; Everyone has his own ambition.

人各有志 网络解释

1. 人各有志的意思

1. Each to his own:11. Extreme pleasure is followed by sorrow. 樂極生悲. | 12. Each to his own. 人各有志. | 13. Everything comes if a man will only wait. 天下無難事,只怕有心人.

2. 人各有志的反义词

2. So many men,so many minds:6.No man is wise at all times.智者千虑必有一失. | 7.So many men,so many minds.人各有志. | 8.A man can die but once.人无二死.

3. 人各有志

3. Every one has his own ambition:人去楼空 When the master was absent, his mansion was desd. | 人各有志 Every one has his own ambition. | 人多智广 More people means more ideas.

4. So many man, so my minds:6. Yeah, man!老兄 | So many man, so my minds.人各有志 | Like master, like man. 有其主必有其仆.