

亿福 双语例句

1. 注册商标有亿福、爱狮。
    Registered trademark has billion-fu, love lion.

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2. 当时,黄光裕持股100%的鹏润亿福,将持有的国美电器65%股权,全部出售给了BVI公司Ocean Town。
    At that time, Wong Kwong Yu 100% ownership of the Eagle 100, 000, 000 Fu will be held by the 65% stake in Gome, all sold to a BVI company Ocean Town.

3. 2004年4月,黄光裕持股100%的鹏润亿福获批,将持有的国美电器65%股权,全部出售给了BVI公司Ocean Town。
    In April 2004, Wong Kwong Yu 100% ownership of the Eagle 100, 000, 000 Fu approved, will be held by the 65% stake in Gome, to sell all of the BVI's Ocean Town.