

仁人志士[rén rén zhì shì]

词典men and women with high ideals仁人志士。


词典kind and upright men仁人志士;志士仁人。

词典people with lofty ideals仁人志士;志士仁人。

仁人志士 汉英大词典

仁人志士[rén rén zhì shì]

men and women with high ideals; kind and upright men; people with lofty ideals

仁人志士 网络解释

1. A kind person is a comrade of the soldier:胡言乱语 Mr. Hu talks nonsense | 仁人志士 A kind person is a comrade of the soldier | 调兵遣将 investigate the soldiers and dismiss the generals

2. 仁人志士的意思

2. A ki:甘败下风 sweet defeat goes down with the wind | 胡言乱语 Mr. Hu talks nonsense | 仁人志士 A ki..

3. 仁人志士的解释

3. people with lofty ideals:开创新境界 open up a new realm | 仁人志士 people with lofty ideals | 开启新纪元 usher in a new era