

今音[jīn yīn]

词典modern (as distinct from classical) pronunciation of Chinese characters

今音 汉英大词典

今音[jīn yīn]


modern (as distinct from classical) pronunciation of Chinese characters

今音 双语例句

1. DNA 文库今音组 DNA 文库是用机体的基因组 DNA 构建的。
    Genomic DNA libraries are made from the genomic DNA of an organism.

2. 今音的意思

2. 中古知照系的普通话今音一般是ts等,少数字例外,读ts等,与精组相混。
    In contemporary standard Chinese pronunciation, the ancient characters of initial Zhi-Zhao-Xi are, generally speaking, pronounced as.

3. 本论文的重点是进行宣州片吴语比较音韵研究,内容主要有各方言点的声韵调系统、两字组连读变调和各地字音对照表,还对今音与中古音、宣州片吴语与周边方言进行了一些共时比较。
    Because the dissertation stresses the point of studying the phonology on Xuanzhou Wu, its main content includes 20 phonological systems, the tone sandhi, syllabaria of homophones, and synchronic and diachronic study between contemporary and ancient Chinese sound categories and between Xuanzhou Wu and its neighbors.

4. 本文的研究主要分为两个步骤:一是对600个汉字的古今读音进行对比,二是用从中古到今音的音变规律去衡量每个今音
    This study is divided into two steps: first 600 characters of ancient and modern pronunciation comparison, the second is from the Middle Ages to the sound change rules notated according notated according to measure each.