

付托[fù tuō]



词典put sth. in sb.'s charge付托。

付托 汉英大词典

付托[fù tuō]

put sth. in sb.'s charge; entrust:


    charge sb. with a heavy responsibility;


    have entrusted the matter to the right person

付托 双语例句

1. 付托的解释

1. 依据警方声明,指控包含收贿、枉负公众付托、洗钱还有其他一些罪名。
    The charges include receiving bribes, breach of public trust, money laundering and others, according to the police statement.

2. 付托是什么意思

2. 因为我曾经以为你是我可以付托终身的人
    You made something that is surprised me.....

3. 所以,我们必须承认自己的无助,把我们的生命付托给耶稣。
    So we must admit our helplessness and entrust our lives to Jesus.

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4. 他拿了一张纸,谨慎的写下他的遗嘱,以便他死后,他的全部财产有所付托
    He took paper and wrote careful orders as to what was to happen to all his money after his death.

5. 他把家产付托给他的好友照管。
    He entrusted his best friend with the care of his property.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 很多朋友付托他们的钱给我,希望可以把水和他们的祝福传达给所有的灾民-我就是他们的信差!
    Many of my friends have entrusted me with their money and well wishes to donate the water - and I am the messenger!

7. 付托的反义词

7. 我们重新选舉一位公民来主持美国政府的行政工作已爲期不远了,实际上,现在已经到了必须运用你们的思想来考虑将此重任付托给谁的时候了。因此,我觉得我应当向大家表明,尤其是因爲这样做可能使得公衆意见表达得更明确,那就是我已下定决心,谢絕把我列爲候选人
    The period for a new election of a citizen to administer the executive government of the United States being not far distant, and the time actually arrived when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important trust, it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprise you of the resolution I have formed to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made...

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 此时此刻,大家必须运用思想来考虑把这一重任付托给谁。
    The time actually arrived when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important trust.

9. 但如果你在他人对你说了句什么后就大发脾气,你就是正在把自主权付托了予他;慢慢地,除了你自己外,每一个人都成为你心的主人。
    In turn, anyone but yourself will become the master of your mind and you have become enslaved.