

令尹[lìnɡ yǐn]


令尹 网络解释

1. lingyin:娄烨louye | 令尹lingyin | 来一个laiyige

2. 令尹的反义词

2. lIEnggIwcn:令史 lIEngslIcg | 令尹 lIEnggIwcn | 令居 lIEnkIo

令尹 双语例句

1. 汝阳侯滕公夏侯婴请教前楚国令尹薛公。
    Hou Ruyang滕公Jaap infant consult before令尹薛公Chu.

2. 天静宫周围有老子出生地古流星园和九龙井遗址,有被称为圣母亲尹氏的墓冢,还有恳请老子著书立说的函谷关关令尹喜之墓。
    Tian Jing of Laozi palace surrounded by ancient birthplace and the Kowloon Park meteor Longjing site, known as the saint's mother, Yun Metella, and urge the Lao writing to the Hangu Guan Guan Yin Xi's tomb.

3. 令尹

3. 传说老子出函谷关,关令尹喜见有紫气从东而来,知道将有圣人过关。
    The fable father leaves Hanguguan, closes the prime ministerof the state of chu happy to see has 紫气 comes from the east, toknow will have the sage to go through a strategic pass.

4. 令尹

4. 公元前598~前591年,楚令尹孙叔敖在今安徽省寿县建芍陂灌区时,即设五个闸门引水。
    BC 598~591 years ago, Chu Shou County, Anhui Province Yoshitada Sun Shuao in this building when Shaobei irrigation, water diversion that is located five gates.

5. 令尹的近义词

5. 楚怀王死后,顷襄王继位,屈原又遭到令尹子兰和上官大夫勒尚的陷害,被放逐到湖南沅、湘流域,但他始终热爱祖国。
    Died, just succession, Qu Yuan was also SHANGGUAN vanilla and the frame is still large Shiffler, were deported to Hunan Yuan, Xiang River Basin, but his consistent love for the motherland.

6. 令尹却认为这很自然。
    Regret to say that it is only natural.

7. 当他的弟弟司马(大将军,相当於国防部长)子良得了个儿子越椒,令尹子文就去看这新生儿,未到屋内,,听见婴儿的哭声,他不由皱起了眉头,等看过了婴儿,令尹子文就对司马子良说﹕「这孩子不可以把他养大!
    When his younger brother, General Zi Liang, had his son Yue Jiao, Minister Ziwen went to visit the newborn baby. Before entering the room, he heard the baby cry, raised his brows, and after seeing the baby, said to General Zi Liang, You must not raise this boy.

8. 令尹的解释

8. 但是,楚怀王的令尹子椒、上官大夫靳尚和他的宠妃郑袖等人,由于受了秦国使者张仪的贿赂,不但阻止怀王接受屈原的意见,并且使怀王疏远了屈原。
    But, the ChuHuaiwang prime minister of the state of chu sub- pepper, DoctorShangguan grudged still and his person and so on favorite imperialconcubine Zheng Xiu, because has received the Qin country messengerZhang Yi bribe, not only prevented the bosom king to accept Qu Yuan'sopinion, and caused the bosom king to become estranged Qu Yuan.

9. 令尹道:去年杀彭越,前年杀韩信,这三个人为国家建树的功劳相同,可谓三位一体。
    Road: Last year彭越kill, kill the previous year hanshin The three man-made contribution to the credit the same country can be described as three-in-one.