

以大欺小[yǐ dà qī xiǎo]

词典act in the way of the big bullying the small以大欺小。

词典bully the small by being big以大欺小。

词典bully the weak by being strong以大欺小。

词典The big bully the small.以大欺小。

以大欺小 汉英大词典

以大欺小[yǐ dà qī xiǎo]

act in the way of the big bullying the small; bully the small by being big; bully the weak by being strong; The big bully the small.

以大欺小 网络解释

1. 以大欺小是什么意思

1. qf:211 .push 太慢了 | 212 .qf 以大欺小 | 217 .qian 潜水