

以理服人[yǐ lǐ fú rén]

词典persuade through reasoning以理服人。

词典convince people by reasoning以理服人。


词典convince people by reasoning with them以理服人。


词典gain true submission by offering convincing arguments以理服人。

以理服人 汉英大词典

以理服人[yǐ lǐ fú rén]


persuade through reasoning; convince people by reasoning; convince people by reasoning with them; gain true submission by offering convincing arguments; reason sb. into compliance; use reason to convince others:

  例:只有以理服人, 才能使人心悦诚服。

    Only by reasoning can we convince people completely.

以理服人 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. persuade through reasoning:一揽子购买lump-sum purchase; basket purchase | 以理服人persuade through reasoning | 医疗保险medical insurance

2. Writhing to Persuade:Writhing to Inform 传递信息 | Writhing to Persuade 以理服人 | Writhing for Yourself and Others 为自己和为他人写作

3. see the sunshine and smile:纽西兰奥克兰NZD20 | 非 洲 南非约翰尼斯堡ZAR61 | 以威服人,遭人嫉;以理服人,伤和气;以德服人,人心齐... see the sunshine and smile...

4. Convince people by reasoning:convenient in communication 交通方便 | Convince people by reasoning. 以理服人. | copy me 照做