

众志成城[zhòng zhì chéng chéng]

词典Our wills unite like a fortress.众志成城。

词典A common will is strong as the (city) bulwarks.

词典A united people is like a city defense.众志成城。

词典Collective purposes form a fortress.众志成城。

众志成城 汉英大词典

众志成城[zhòng zhì chéng chéng]


Our wills unite like a fortress.; A common will is strong as the (city) bulwarks.; A united people is like a city defense.; Collective purposes form a fortress.; Community of spirit and purpose will accomplish wonders.; The success of vast undertakings dep

众志成城 网络解释

1. Many hands make light work:Many a little makes a mickle. 積少成多(聚沙成塔、集腋成裘). <@ | Many hands make light work. 眾志成城. AV*~ | Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 匆匆結婚,慢慢後悔. K

2. 众志成城

2. When Two or More Gather:1.Experience Is a Teacher 经验如师 | 2.When Two or More Gather 众志成城 | 3.Never Been Dissed--Until Now 第一次当众出丑

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Union is strength:异想天开 To give loose to one's fancy. | 众志成城 Union is strength. | 趁火打劫 To fish in troubled waters.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The united will of the masses is like a fortress:中央断裂带central rift zone | 众志成城The united will of the masses is like a fortress. | 重建家园rebuild hometown