

传谕[chuán yù]


传谕 双语例句

1. 天主对那愚昧无知的时代,原不深究;如今却传谕各处的人都要悔改
    God has overlooked the times of ignorance, but now he demands that all people everywhere repent

2. 即使神每天传谕于你,你仍坚持相信着一个一切可为自然原因所解释的世界。
    Even with the gods speaking to you every day, you insist on believing in a world where everything can be explained by natural causes.

3. 传谕

3. 说是有一年,玉帝传谕四海龙王,三年内不得向人间降雨。
    It is said that once the Jade Emperor ordered the four Sea Dragon Kings not to rain on the earth in three years` time.

4. 清林则徐《会札澳门厅传谕义律。。。
    Qing Lin, Notes on the Macao Chamber will Chuanyu Elliot...

5. 传谕在线翻译

5. 清林则徐《会札澳门厅传谕义律。。。
    Qing Lin, would Sapporo Elliot Macao Chamber Chuan Yu...

6. 但是,曾通过自己的传谕者鼓励奥列斯特去做这件事情的阿波罗和被请来当裁判官的阿西娜这两位在这里代表父权制新秩序的神,则庇护奥列斯特
    But Apollo, who by the voice of his oracle had summoned Orestes to this deed, and Athena, who is called upon to give judgment -- the two deities who here represent the new patriarchal order -- take Orestes under their protection

7. 玉帝一看人间家家户户院里金豆花开放,只好传谕,召龙王回到天庭,继续给人间兴云布雨。
    Jade Emperor saw the earth every household Douhua open courtyard, but Chuanyu, called Dragon King to Heaven, continue to human-cloth rain clouds.

8. 玉帝一看人间家家户户院里金豆花开放,只好传谕,诏龙王回到天庭,继续给人间兴云布雨。
    Jade Emperor saw the earth every household Douhua open courtyard, but Chuanyu, Chao Longwang to Heaven, continue to human-cloth rain clouds.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 废除伪教皇贝内迪克的训谕是从一道小门宣布的,他的那班传谕使者给人丑化,身披袈裟,头戴法冠,也是从这道小门出去游街,走遍巴黎大街小巷,向民众赔礼认罪,如今这道小门又在哪里?
    The wicket where the bulls of the anti-Pope Benedict were torn up, and through which the bearers of them marched out, mitred and coped in mock state, to publicly make the amende honorable through the streets of Paris?

10. 说是有一年,玉帝传谕四海龙王,三年内不得向人间降雨。
    It is said that once the Jade Emperor ordered the four Sea Dragon Kings not to rain on the earth in three years'time.