词典commentaries on a biography
1. 第四,通过家谱中所收录的族规家训、人物传赞等内容,分析其中所反映出来的当地宗法思想和社会风尚,为当地思想文化研究提供一定的参考价值。
Fourth, through the family motto, and figures deeds in the genealogy, we can see the patriarchal ideology and social trends in Jianli. So the genealogy also provide a reference value for the local ideological and cultural studies.
2. 作为三国时期魏末著名的文学家、思想家,魏晋玄学的代表人物之一,嵇康一生为我们留下了许多有影响力的著作,《圣贤高士传赞》就是其中的一部。
Other than a famous litterateur and thinker in three kingdoms period, Ji Kang is a representative of Wei-Jin metaphysics, he left many influential works for us, " the sages'biographies and compliments " is one of them.
3. 第三部分大致介绍了《圣贤高士传赞》的著录、版本和体例情况。
The third part roughly introduces the records, the version and the style description.
4. 传赞
4. 第五部分主要记叙了《圣贤高士传赞》对后世的影响。
The fifth part is about the impact on future generations.
5. 作为三国时期魏末著名的文学家、思想家,魏晋玄学的代表人物之一,嵇康一生为我们留下了许多有影响力的著作,《圣贤高士传赞》就是其中的一部。
Other than a famous litterateur and thinker in three kingdoms period, Ji Kang is a representative of Wei-Jin metaphysics, he left many influential works for us, " the sages'biographies and compliments " is one of them.