伤风败俗[shāng fēng bài sú]
词典offend public decency:伤风败俗。
词典corrupt public morals:伤风败俗;颓风败俗。
词典harmful [offensive] to society's morals
词典injure public morality:伤风败俗;颓风败俗。
伤风败俗[shāng fēng bài sú]
offend public decency; corrupt public morals; harmful [offensive] to society's morals; injure public morality; pervert (the) manners and customs;undermine the morals of:
He's never done anything injurious to morals.
1. 伤风败俗是什么意思
1. brutal frankness O:( )14.wilful blindness N.名不虚传 | ( )15.brutal frankness O.伤风败俗 | ( )16.far-sightedness P.晴天霹雳
2. corrupt public morals:corrupt officials 腐败的官员 | corrupt public morals. 伤风败俗 | corrupted at heart 心术不正
3. offend public decency:with great eagerness如饥似渴 | offend public decency伤风败俗 | make a little contribution添砖加瓦