

佉卢 双语例句

1. 巴利文在过去和现在使用许多不同字体,在印度,它用梵寐文字和佉卢虱吒文字等古印度字体写成。
    Paali was and is written in many different scripts. In India, it was written in ancient Indian scripts Braahmii and Kharo. s. thii.

2. 现有的考古学的发现表明,古普塔王朝以前的佉卢文字铭文也都与佛教有关。
    As far as examination of existing archaeological findings goes, inscriptions written in Kharosthi characters before the Gupta Dynasty are also related with Buddhism.

3. 佉卢

3. 巴利文在过去和现在使用许多不同字体,在印度,它用梵寐文字和佉卢虱吒文字等古印度字体写成。
    P aali was and is written in many different scripts. In India, it was written in ancient Indian scripts Braahmii and Kharo. s. thii.

4. 佉卢

4. 当佛教传播到世界其他地区时,当地人民会使用原始印度字体──因此佉卢虱吒文字在中亚被使用了一段很长时间──,或者会将原始印度字体转写成当地文字──例如在斯里兰卡,巴利文是以锡兰语改写;在缅甸是以缅甸语改写;在泰国是以泰语改写;而在柬埔寨是以高棉语改写──。
    When Buddhism spread to other parts of the world, local people used either original Indian scripts (so Kharo. s. thii was used for a long time in Central Asia) or switched to their own local scripts. So in Sri Lanka, Paali is written in Sinhalese script, in Burma it is Burmese script, in Thailand Thai script and in Cambodia the Khmer script.