



词典ottava bassa低八度。

低八度 网络解释

1. 低八度

1. Suboctave:Submediant 下中音 | Suboctave 低八度 | Subcreption concert 定期音乐会

2. Octave division:Expansion(扩展) | Octave division (低八度) | Harmony generation(和声生成器)

低八度 双语例句

1. 低八度

1. 声调比一般低音乐器或者低音域低一个八度。请把那台收音机的音量调低些。
    Pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range. Tone that radio down, please.

2. 低八度

2. 他唱的比我们其他人都低八度
    He's singing an octave lower than the rest of us.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 音高较高的那个簧片会更快速的反应,然后与低八度的簧片产生共振。
    The upper pitched reed will respond more quickly, sending sympathetic vibrations to the lower pitched reed.

4. 低八度的解释

4. 音高重复:在高或低八度上或同一音高上重复
    Music To duplicate an octave higher or lower or in unison.

5. 低八度的近义词

5. 可是,那第三名的同学不但常弹错音,也试过将一段melody弹低八度
    The main problem was that the speed was too slow, it's totally not the style of that piece of music.

6. 低八度的反义词

6. 不过随着时间的推移,媳妇的爱情鸣唱渐渐地由高八度变成了低八度,由八分之一拍变成了二分之一拍。
    However, as time passes, her daily love song has evolved from high pitch to low pitch, from one-eight times to one-half time.

7. xi 法国号的音域宽广,从中央C低八度的C到比中央C高八度的C。
    Xi The playing range of French Horn is:- From C one octave below middle C to C one octave above middle C.

8. 比普通的双簧管低八度。他双膝跪下,低下了头。
    A oboe pitched an octave below the ordinary oboe. He got to his knees. He bent his head.

9. 低八度

9. 上低音乐器指音域类似男中音的铜管乐器声调比一般低音乐器或者低音域低一个八度。
    A brass wind instrument with a range similar to that of a baritone voice. pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range.