1. croon:crooknecked 颈部弯曲的 | croon 低唱 | crooner 低声唱歌者
1. 夜晚,在溪边升起篝火,听小溪在身边低唱。
In the evening, I hear the croon of the Bourn near the needfire.
2. 低唱的解释
2. 在西湖边浅吟低唱,任凭自己的意志被着湖光山色轻易瓦解。随便吧,何苦用残酷记忆来表示纪念,何必用已逝的曾经来怀古伤今,何必把自己的宿命,押注在没有结果的我和你。西湖,慢慢的爱,慢慢忘记。
I will go, on my way...
3. 女人啊,当你料理家务时,手足就像从碎石中穿过的涧流,浅吟低唱
Woman, when you move about in your household service your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.
4. 影片像一首轻吟低唱的诗歌,虽然战火纷飞,主人公对情人、家人、人民和祖国永不磨灭的爱深深地撞击着我们的心灵。
Film resembles the poetry of croon of a small the cry of animals, although flames of war flies violently, the love that the hero never effaces to lover, family, people and motherland is bumping our heart deeply.
5. 篱笆桩矗立在雪地里,你可以听见溪谷冰层下的小溪开始浅吟低唱;沿溪而行,还可以看见小溪不时冲破冰层,拥抱那天光云影。
Beneath the ice in the gully you can hear the brook begin to talk; and if you follow the brook you will see it open to the sky in a few places, where it has eaten away the ice.
6. 著名论断白马非马,女朋友不是朋友。书房壁联陌上发花,可以缓缓醉矣;忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱。
Mo Shang Fa Hua study of the wall, you can just drink slowly; forbearance to Fuming, as appropriate for the shallow Dichang.
7. 一群群鸟儿在空中高唱,一群群蝶儿在空中飞舞,油蛉在这儿低唱,蟋蟀在这儿弹琴。
Groups of birds in the air singing, groups of butterflies flying in the air, oil sinica here sings, playing cricket here.
8. 我心里的话要用歌曲低唱出来。
The speech of my heart will be carried on in murmurings of a song.
9. 睡不着时会不会有人给你轻声低唱?
Will somebody sing to you when you are not sleepy?
10. 那声音,那吉他的低唱,只是为了洗涤心灵而来。。。
Cause I know I don`t belong here in heaven.
11. 睡不着时会不会有人给你轻声低唱?
Everything will be wonderful, as long as you're near.
12. danci.911cha.com
12. 让他们守卫角状的月亮,让他们的回忆在我床边低唱。
Let them that guard the horned Moon By my bedside their memories croon.
13. 低唱的翻译
13. 主页内容包括登录、主页、四季如歌、千雪拾芥、清风雪影、浅吟低唱、情感小驿和雁过留痕等八个部分,分别表达了八个不同的主题,通过主程序调用,各部分有机地结合起来。
The content of my web include login, homepage, songs of four seasons, snow in breeze, station of emotions, seeking natural beauty in snow, sing in wind and broadcast bulletin, they expressed 8 different topics respectively, they are harmoniously merged together and can be called up by the main procedure.
14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
14. 百合将要吐气出声,把我的爱人之歌低唱…。
Die Lilie soll klingend hauchen ein Lied von der Liebsten mein.
15. 而像朱淑真这样的才女,因为不甘心如此的命运,一辈子就在希望和无望中挣扎,满腹的才华就在哀婉的浅吟低唱中流失,满心的热情就在无奈的期盼中耗尽。
As a talented woman who is not willing to accept such contradictory condition, ZHU Shu-zhen struggles for her whole life between hope and hopelessness, all her talents elapse with this tragic situation, and her enthusiasm disappears gradually in the long run of hopeless waiting.
16. 低唱的近义词
16. 南朝骚体文学由晋代的世俗化走向了贵族化,表现空间不断萎缩,吟咏风月,浅酌低唱,多悱恻缠绵之辞,而少叱咤风云之概;然南朝贵族文人乃有意识地探求形式的新变,这既造成了骚体与五、七言诗的融合,同时也在声色的追求中精心锤炼语言、选择意象、营构优美的意境,从而使骚体文学在艺术上呈现出新的风貌。
Because of the changes of politics, thoughts and social value of Jin Dynasty, the Sao-style literature had the characteristics personality and exspression, but it had little real spirits of Pre-Qing, it gave ways to the elegant of style and beauty of language, the Sao-style in South Dynasty presented the trend from civil to noble, but the scholar still had the consciousness to creat the new form and so made the Sao-style a new change, but apparently it can not be compared with the former.
17. 低唱
17. 这些诗赋是王勃浅吟低唱的深深落寞,映出他心底丝丝屡屡的风云意气,儿女情长,牵系了他一生的时运命途,可惜总是时运不齐,命途多舛!
These poems are deep Qian yin di chang Wang Bo lonely, hearts fishes him repeatedly reflected the Fengyun emotion, Love long, led by the Department of the fortunes of his whole life Ming Tu Unfortunately, luck is always missing, Ming tu duo cuan!
18. 低唱是什么意思
18. 80后诗人的视野狭隘,体验和经验的不足,使得他们的创作还处于一种浅酌低唱的层面。
80 after the narrow vision of the poet, the lack of experience and experience so that they are still in the creation of a " humming discretion shallow " level.
19. 而朴树则是这条河边静静站立的一棵树,迎风舒展,浅吟低唱。
Hackberry is this river and quietly stand by a tree, were relieved, Jianyindichang.
20. 911查询·英语单词
20. 短笛若隐若现,小提琴浅吟低唱。
The piccolo peeped the tune, the violins sang languidly.