



低眉顺眼 双语例句

1. 他们看起来都很老实本分,一个个低眉顺眼的。
    They seemed very honest part, one of the Dimeishunwen. World of Warcraft Gold

2. 就这样低眉顺眼地,张扬自我。
    Love me, feed me, trust me and never leave me.

3. 如果走路的时候低眉顺眼,讲话的时候很懦弱,或者不进行目光接触,你的孩子看起来是一个容易受欺负的对象。
    Your child could look like an easy target if she walks with her head and shoulders down, speaks meekly, or doesn't make eye contact.

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4. 我常常觉得自己像一个大花园,窃取到一个陌生人,总是充满了惶恐,环顾四周,只要主人的出现,电影低眉顺眼立即留下。
    I often feel like a big garden to steal into a stranger, always filled with trepidation, look around, as long as the masters of the emergence of film低眉顺眼immediately leave behind.

5. 取而代之的是,他们对严格的主要目标制度低眉顺眼,这有意无意的鼓励警察们突击逮捕一些无名无姓的犯人来充数而不是努力让他管辖的地段更加的安全。
    Instead, they are subservient to a rigid system of central targets, which has inadvertently encouraged coppers to focus on busting minor offenders rather than on keeping their patches safe.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 既无钱又无权,在外面低眉顺眼,在老娘面前横眉绿眼,你好意思?
    No money and no power, Dimeishunwen outside the mother before the administration green eyes, your nerve?

7. 当奥巴马对中国低眉顺眼,拥抱保护主义的时候,我们的亚洲盟友感到头晕目眩也就毫不奇怪了。这个时候,最大的问题是,人们都相信美国总统正急着预示一个时代,一个美国孤立衰退的时代。
    And while it's true that our Asian allies are still reeling from Obama's submission to China and his embrace of protectionism, the larger problem is the growing conviction that the president is eager to herald an era of American detachment and decline.

8. 低眉顺眼的反义词

8. 佛龛被一道粗实的铁网帘拦着,里面早已站满了人,个个低眉顺眼,口中低低地念诵着。
    The niche is fended by a thick iron-fensing curtain, inside has already been tucked in with people, every one appears dedicated and does chanting in low volume.

9. 在任何熟读历史的人的眼中,不低眉顺眼点头服从乃是人类的最初品德。
    Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. 公主无论什么时候都是众人瞩目的焦点,孤傲而清高,而丫鬟,永远是公主身边的陪衬,鄙微而低下,也许公主高高在上本来已经习惯了别人仰慕的目光,审视别人,也许丫鬟在主子面前只能低眉顺眼,但是,小草也有她的春天,做仆人的心中也有一片属于自己的舞台。
    The princess is that the focal point that everybody focuses attention upon, is proud and aloof but self-contained no matter when all, but forever, the servant girl, is princess at one's side setoff, disdains tiny but low, has maybe, in a prominent position originally already, the princess been accustomed to the sight that others admires, has scanned others, the servant girl maybe before a master can only the low eyebrow is pleasing to the eye, but, small grass also spring having her, also have a slice to belong to self stage at acting as a servant's heart.