1. Yu Guang-zhong:俞根初:Yu Genchu | 余光中:Yu Guangzhong | 余秋雨:Yu Qiuyu
2. Yu Kwang-chung:林语堂:Lin Yu-tang | 余光中:Yu Kwang-chung | 余家菊:Yu Jia-ju
3. danci.911cha.com
3. Wr. By Yu-Guangzhong:乡 愁 Homesickness | 余光中 Wr. By Yu-Guangzhong | 小时候 When young,
1. 余光中是当代台湾引人注目的一位诗人,其诗歌具有感知交融、情理结合的特点,经历了由幼稚到成熟不断发展的历程。
Guangzhong Yu is a famous contemporary poet in Taiwan, whose poetry blends intellectuality with sensibility, combines emotion with rationality. His creation has experienced from jejuneness to mature.
2. 余光中什么意思
2. 共分五小节,每一小节以一位代表作家为对象|分别是余光中、雷骧、罗智成、舒国治与钟文音。
It is divided into five sections. Every section focuses at one distinct writer, including Yu GuangZhong, Lei Xiang, Luo ZhihCheng, Shu GuoZhih, and Zhong WenIn.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. 茫 作曲家对台湾诗人余光中的作品推崇备至,《茫》是余氏最优秀的作品之一,诗中意象纷呈、用词巧妙,对作曲家有莫大的启发。
As a great admirer of the work of Taiwanese poet Yu Kuang-chung, the composer is much inspired by the rich symbolism and powerful word play in this poem, one of Yu's best.
4. 余光中:如果人人有来头,各个没搞头。
If everybody is somebody, nobody is anybody.
5. 对于现在诗这种形式的没落,余光中认为,现在流行歌曲很盛行,其实歌词也是一种诗。
To this plants the poem now of the form downfallen, yu Guangzhong thinks, popular now song very be current, actually libretto also is a kind of poem.
6. 余光中著大卫帕拉德译。
By Yu Guangzhong translated by David pollard.
7. 余光中什么意思
7. 从眼角余光中我看到玻璃的另一边隐约有东西在移动。
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass
8. 余光中
8. 这就要求我们透过乡愁的低吟浅唱,多层次,多角度,多方位的深入挖掘余光中的诗歌创作。
This will beg us through the homesickness of low sing shallow sing, multilayers, many angle, in many ways of thorough scoop out verse creations.
9. 余光中
9. 本文以余光中讲求散文美学创造为切入点,从散文文本解读入手,采用文化学批评、文艺美学、接受美学、心理学等方法,从比较研究,影响研究的角度深入探讨。
This thesis carries out a deep discussion from the perspective of comparative and influence study, hitting the remark from Yu's aesthetic prose writing, by reading and interpreting prose texts, adopting the scientific methods of cultural criticism, artistic aesthetics, received aesthetics and psychology.
10. 为李白、杜甫造像&论余光中与唐诗接续盒异端接续冗余光纤的收容方法
Yu Guang-zhong and the Verse of the Tang Dynasty; Admitting Method for Redundant Fibers in Joint Box with Different End Splicing
11. 论文从文化层、形式层和意义层三个层面揭示了余光中诗学的新古典主义特征。
The characteristics of Yu Guang-zhong's neoclassic poetics will be elaborated on the levels of culture, form and significance in this article.
12. 911查询·英语单词
12. 在余光中的诗歌中,不乏以大陆江河为吟咏对象的名篇佳构。
Among Yu Guangzhong's poems, there are a lot of them chanting and singing of rivers and streams.
13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
13. 第二章系统分析了余光中的译学思想。在继承和发扬前人翻译理论的基础上,通过大量的翻译实践,余光中提出了独具特色的译学思想。
Chapter Two makes a systematic study on Yu Kwang-chung's theoretical thoughts on translation.
14. 本文从余光中的诗歌文本解读出发,汲取文艺美学、心理学、文化学的批评方法,从比较研究、影响研究的角度,来探讨余光中的诗美创造。
This text is start with Yu Guang-zhong's poem text understood, draw the criticism methods of literature, art aesthetics, psychology and science of culture. In term of relatively studying and influencing studying to explore Yu guang-zhong's creation of aesthetic poem.
15. 试析余光中“以文为论”的独特评论风格
Yu guangzhong's unique critical style " taking essay as comment "
16. 在眼睛的余光中,我看到爱德华点了点头。
Out of thecorner of my eye, I saw Edward nod once.
17. 余光中的反义词
17. 余光中:我不是很富有,但也不会饿死。
Yu Guangzhong: I am not very rich, but also won't starved to death.
18. 余光中:网络词汇的流行对现在年轻人影响很大。
Yu Guangzhong: The popularity of network vocabulary is very great to noise of young now people.
19. 余光中的近义词
19. 他抬眼盯着她,在篝火的余光中眨着眼睛。
He stared up at her, blinking in the glow of the dying camp fire.