余勇可贾[yú yǒng kě gǔ]
词典still to have some fight left in one:余勇可贾。
词典can take courage once more:余勇可贾。
词典still having plenty of fight in one:余勇可贾。
词典strength yet to spare with:余勇可贾。
余勇可贾[yú yǒng kě gǔ]
still to have some fight left in one; can take courage once more; still having plenty of fight in one; strength yet to spare with:
例:他们余勇可贾, 我们不能放松警惕。
It seems to me they still have some fight left in them. We shouldn't relax our vigilance.
1. 余勇可贾的反义词
1. yYIHKEGu:yYIz 鱼雁(yúyan) | yYIHKEGu 余勇可贾(yúyongkegu) | yYIi 愚意(yúyi)
1. 他们余勇可贾,我们不能放松警惕。
It seems to me they still have some fight left in them. We shouldn't relax our vigilance.
2. 余勇可贾的近义词
2. 他们余勇可贾,我们不能放松警惕。
We shouldn't relax our vigilance.