

余火[yú huǒ]


余火 汉英大词典

余火[yú huǒ]


余火 网络解释

1. remaining fire:reluctance 磁阻 | remaining fire 余火 | remission 缓解

2. 余火什么意思

2. sleeper fire:slaving 役使 | sleeper fire 餘火 | sleet 雹;冰珠

3. 余火

3. ember:ashes 灰烬 | ember 余火 | cinder 未燃尽的煤、木炭等

余火 双语例句

1. 他走进荒废的卫兵室,却发现一个小而简易的火坑和一张粗糙拼凑的铺盖,火坑里余火未尽。
    He inspected the dilapidated guardroom and found a small, makeshift fire pit near a ragged, patchwork bedroll.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 他的眼睛盯着红色的余火
    His eyes are fixed on the red ember s of the fire.

3. 他要将自己的残生余火,都小心翼翼地包藏在鱼山上。
    His own to fire more than one's remaining years, all carefully concealed in fish in the mountains.

4. 余火的意思

4. 21好争竞的人煽惑争端,就如余火加炭,火上加柴一样。
    As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife.

5. 余火

5. 所以杰克灯在美国是用一个掏空了的南瓜做成的,点着余火
    So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.

6. 余火

6. 许多社区进入警备状态,警告居民要警惕从山火中吹过来的余火未尽的木块。
    Several communities are on alert, with residents warned to watch out for embers blowing in from bush fires.

7. 余火

7. 我用一手拿着一支蜡烛,由于我的火柴盒子已经空了,一手去摸索一片纸,想拿它到壁炉的余火里去点燃。
    I took a wax -candle in one hand, and with the other groped about for a piece of paper (my match-box being empty), with which I proposed to get a light from the small flame still playing on the embers.

8. 不应用劈柴、刨花代替煤取暖,每个火炉要有专人负责,下班时要将余火彻底熄灭。
    Using bavins, parings to make a fire instead of coal is not acceptable, each fireplace should guarded by one professional worker, and the fire must be totally put out when job finished.

9. 余火未尽的木块开始从天花板上往下掉。
    Burning embers started dropping from the ceiling

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 莫斯科能够使危机的余火重新烧旺。
    Moscow could stoke the embers of crisis.

11. 魔鬼送他一块余火未尽的木头,给他照明,穿过凛冽的黑暗。
      The devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 他的眼睛盯着红色的余火。不适合
      His eyes are fixed on the red embers of the fire.

13. 他们说那是个不值一提的梦想。单恋的余火。多可笑。
      They say it's a dream, embers of one-sided attachment, laughing at you.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 下午3点的时候他们已经基本控制了火势,然而大风突临煽动了余火
      They almost had the flames under control at3 pm, but strong winds began to fan it.

15. 余火的解释

15. 我看着她凝视着余火
      I watched her stare into the embers of the fire.

16. 余火在线翻译

16. 火车经过时当地居民四处散开,用火钳拾起火车上抛下的余火未尽的煤块用以自己烧火。
      Residents rush out as the train passes, armed with tongs to pick up dropped embers for their stoves.

17. 余火在线翻译

17. 炉子里只有余火未尽的煤块在燃烧。
      Only embers glowed in the fire.

18. 余火

18. 夏天像猎人一样已经走掉了,我就这样烤着它所留下来的还在发光的余火
      I thus warmed myself by the still glowing embers which the summer, like a departed hunter, had left.

19. 余火

19. 她的种种美好的幻想如今只剩下一些灰烬&尽管灰烬底下还埋着几颗尚未燃尽的希望的余火
      Only the ashes of all her fine fancies were remaining & ashes still concealing, nevertheless, a few red embers of hope.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 防止通风后被覆盖的余火再次复燃。
      Prevent ashes to come to flame again after ventilation is resumed;