



词典Foguang Monastery Foguang Temple Temple of Buddhist Glory佛光寺。

佛光寺 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 现在佛光寺的正殿为唐代所建。
    Now for the main hall of the Buddha Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty.

2. 以及在中国大陆,一位独守佛光寺的法师。我是曾逸筠,欢迎您的收看。
    And the story behind a loan monk who refuses to leave Foguang Monastery in China.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 因其在寺内东部的制高点上,是佛光寺的大雄宝殿,故名东大殿。
    Because of their high ground in the eastern part of the Temple, the Buddhist temple is the Main Hall, named the East hall.

4. 发现空间背后的语义&巴黎圣母院与佛光寺建筑空间模式比较
    Comparison of Space Mode between Notre Dame and Foguang Temple

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 在分析佛光寺东大殿的基础上,对中国古代殿堂建筑天然光环境的主要特点进行概括,继而剖析其运用天然光的技巧和现实应用价值。
    This paper summarizes the main characteristics of the day lighting environments in Chinese audience architectures on the basis of analyzing the East Hall in Foguang Temple. Then the paper analyzes their design techniques on natural light and their application value nowadays.

6. 通过精心研察,测量绘图,写出了论文《记五台山佛光寺的建筑——荟萃一寺的魏齐唐宋四个孤例;荟萃一殿的唐代四种艺术》。
    Through careful research review, surveying mapping, the paper wrote, For Guang Temple Mount in mind the building - a renowned temp

7. 无论外观形制,局部装饰和细部手法,均属北魏遗构,这是佛光寺创建时期保留至今的唯一实物。
    Whether the appearance of shapes, decorations and details of local practices are leaving the Northern Wei Dynasty structure, and this is a Buddhist temple during the creation of reservations so far the only kind.