

佛刹[fó chà]



佛刹 双语例句

1. 了解着兴国寺的历史,虽然那里只有两处佛殿,却也可以看出是所清新雅致的古典佛刹
    Understand history of making a country strong the temple, although there only two 佛 palaces, can also see is the classic 佛刹 of delightfully fresh elegance.

2. 佛刹是什么意思

2. 在《大圣文殊师利菩萨佛刹功德庄严经》中记载,您已圆满十地。
    In the Sutra of the Array of Ma? jushri`s Pure Land, for example, it says you have completed the ten bhumis.

3. 五官知觉深入层出不穷的法界光明里,自信佛经上所说的三世十方一切诸佛刹土已不再是遥不可及,天国真的近了,极乐世界实在不远了。
    When the five senses of the physical body can penetrate the endless layers of radiant Dharma realms, we realize that the three periods of time, the ten directions of space, and all the Buddha-lands in the Buddhist sutras are no longer distant and unreachable.