1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 这个定义的功能不在於表列出特定的法益清单,因为人格发展的条件与时俱变,它的功能是供作宪法上的审查步骤与学术批判的施力点。
The function of this conceptual definition is not aim at listing a specific catalog of legal-good, because requirements for personality development change with time.
2. 作宪的反义词
2. 这个定义的功能不在於表列出特定的法益清单,因为人格发展的条件与时俱变,它的功能是供作宪法上的审查步骤与学术批判的施力点。
The function of this conceptual definition is not aim at listing a specific catalog of legal-good, because requirements for personality development change with time. Its very function is to serve as constitutional reviewing procedures of criminal law and pivot for academic criticism.