

佳日[jiā rì]


佳日 双语例句

1. 佳日什么意思

1. 老年人遇到和善的青年犹如见了日暖风和的佳日
    Mabeuf, and M. Mabeuf talked to him of his hero from the point of view of flowers.

2. 佳日的反义词

2. 清溪一曲,其风光旖旎,四时不辍,每天好像都是令节佳日,每月都有新的点缀。
    Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.

3. 佳日是什么意思

3. 愿我们永远怀念往昔佳日,让友谊之树长青。
    Let`s remember the past good times for ever and may the tree of friendship be evergreen.

4. 佳日的近义词

4. 春秋佳日,每作郊游。
    We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn.

5. 我们几乎可以说,对冉阿让,无所谓太阳,无所谓春秋佳日,无所谓晴空,无所谓四月天的清凉晓色。
    It would almost be true to say that there existed for Jean Valjean neither sun, nor fine summer days, nor radiant sky, nor fresh April dawns.