1. 侍应生
1. Wait Person:Law Student 司法学生 | Wait Person 侍应生 | Customer Service Manager 客户服务经理
2. danci.911cha.com
2. boy:captain 领班、部长 | boy 侍应生 | magician 魔术师
3. danci.911cha.com
3. Waiters:FBI(联邦调查局) | Waiters.|侍应生 | I'm the only guy on the planet gets busted by fucking waiters.|我是宇宙中唯一被侍应生逮捕的人
4. 侍应生
4. Root Beer Tapper / Root Beer:44Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank / 重型武器:核坦克 | 45Root Beer Tapper / Root Beer 侍应生 | 46Paperboy / 送报童
1. 但我的一位侍应生同事,一个安哥拉难民,劝我降低期望值。
One of my fellow-waiters, an Angolan refugee, advised me to lower my expectations.
2. 她梦想着那些静悄悄的接待室,如何蒙着东方的帏幕,如何点着青铜的高脚灯檠,如何派着两个身穿短裤子的高个儿侍应生听候指使,而热烘烘的空气暖炉使得两个侍应生都在大型的圈椅上打盹。
She thought of silent antechambers hung with Oriental tapestry, illumined by tall bronze candelabra, and of two great footmen in knee breeches who sleep in the big armchairs, made drowsy by the oppressive heat of the stove.
3. 她梦想着那些静悄悄的接待室,如何蒙着东方的帏幕,如何点着青铜的高脚灯檠,如何派着两个身穿短裤子的高个儿侍应生听候指使,而热烘烘的空气暖炉使得两个侍应生都在大型的圈椅上打盹。
She imagined silent antechambers, heavy with Oriental tapestries, lit by torches in lofty bronze sockets, with two tall footmen in knee-breeches sleeping in large arm-chairs, overcome by the heavy warmth of the stove.
4. 侍应生的翻译
4. 南环岛六楼,有环境优美的星级餐厅,无论是西餐部的午后咖啡西点,还是中餐区的地道的顺德名菜、全国风味,一经坐下,殷勤有礼的侍应生都能为你一一介绍。
No matter you are in favor of western food or Chinese food, once you are seated, waiters/waitress can give you a brief introduction.
5. 给小费快餐柜台或外卖窗户的侍应生,他将会惊喜万分。
Tip a counter person at a fast-food counter or carry-out window.
6. 侍应生什么意思
6. 考虑使用购物中心的泊车侍应生服务,如果有提供的话。
Consider using the shopping centre`s valet parking service if it offers one.
7. 在那里,他们变成了这个可怕的犯罪首领的财产。R2做了一个侍应生,在加巴的沙漠帆船上供应饮料。
There, they became the gristly crime lord's property. Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge.
8. 谢谢。现在我叫侍应生把你领到房间去吧。
B: Thank you. Now, I ` ll have the bell boy take you to your room.
9. 他干过的活儿算得上是琳琅满目:在面包房里揉过面,在饭店里当过侍应生,在房屋维修公司里干过修屋顶通下水的差事……。
Hearing this question, I think everyone of us, at least I, was expecting some 终于修成正果后的沧桑感慨.But his response surprised all of us.
10. 穿着有许多钮子制服的小侍应生提着那个包裹。
The small boy in buttons carried the package.
11. 用食时间应该会是两到三个小时,包括前菜,三道菜的正餐,咖啡以及/或是餐后甜点对着侍应生给个亲切的微笑会带来一点小小的奇迹。
After all, you are here for the long haul (probably two to three hours with an aperitif, three courses and coffee and/or a digestif after the pudding). A sympathetic smile in the direction of the waiter can work small miracles.
12. 这里有很好和很香的咖啡,有美妙的音乐,有微笑的侍应生。
There are have very good and very fragrant coffee, have wonderful music and smiling waiters.
13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
13. 面对这个满脸假笑的侍应生,我掉了胃口,什么东西也吃不下去了。
Facing the simpering waiter, I lost my appetite and didn`t want to eat anything.
14. 侍应生什么意思
14. 他/她想做一个侍应生。
He /she wants to be a waiter.
15. 侍应生的翻译
15. 突然他对侍应生说,请给我些盐好吗?
Suddenly he asked the waiter, Would you please give me some salt?
16. 侍应生的意思
16. 即使你已经在桌位等了15分钟,侍应生未必会出现。
You`ve been seated for 15 minutes and the waiter has yet to appear.
17. 侍应生的意思
17. 嗯,其实我也很想当酒吧侍应生。
Well, actually I always want to be a barmaid.
18. 侍应生是什么意思
18. 侍应生:好消息,你们的桌子已经准备好了。
Waiter: Good news. Your table is ready.
19. 侍应生
19. 侍应生会来问你想要吸烟的还是不吸烟的位子。
The hostess will ask if you prefer to sit in an area where smoking is allowed or not.
20. 侍应生在线翻译
20. 如果您的侍应生是愤怒或slovenly ,你会的经验,不安的入侵违规人到您的生活。
If your waiter is angry or slovenly, you will experience disquiet at the intrusion of disreputable people into your life.