

侪辈[chái bèi]

词典associates接合物( associate的名词复数 );朋友;非正式会员。


词典fellows同伴( fellow的名词复数 );男子;(大学的)研究员;(某些学院或大学的)董事。

侪辈 汉英大词典

侪辈[chái bèi]

[书] fellows; associates

侪辈 双语例句

1. 更重要的是,他能推动欧盟亟需的改革。若欧盟不选布莱尔侪辈任主席,将是其重陷沉睡的首个信号。
    If Europe does not choose someone of his stature, it will be the first sign it has drifted back to sleep.

2. 圣贤:超越法师侪辈的传说之法师,或许是已经到达了升华境界的法师。
    Oracle: A legendary mage who has moved beyond the understanding of other magicians, perhaps even to Ascension.

3. 他在民生公司建立了一整套现代化的管理体制,实行了一系列科学的管理方法,其中包括一整套具有西方行为科学色彩的管理方法,取得了拔乎侪辈的成就,为中国式企业管理科学的发展奠定了基础。
    He established for his company a whole set of modern organizational system and put into practice a series of devices for scientific management, including a whole set of devices for management that was characterized by the west behavioral science. What he accomplished contributes, so to speak, to laying a good foundation for the development of the business managnent with Chinese Characteristics.

4. 全球最大经济体的产出在第二季度已企稳,不过仍存在一些变数,其中英国的表现不及侪辈
    The output of the world's largest economies stabilised in the second quarter of this year, although there were variations, with the UK proving weaker than its peers.

5. 把某人擢升到他们底伴侣或侪辈底地位,然而这样做底结果往往是有不便的。
    Raise some persons to be, as it were, companions and almost equals to themselves, whichmany times sorteth to inconvenience.

6. 侪辈的意思

6. 盖为人君者,由于他们与臣民之间地位上的距离的原故,是不能享受友谊的--除非他们(为使自己能享受友谊起见)把某人擢升到他们底伴侣或侪辈底地位,然而这样做底结果往往是有不便的。
    For princes, in regard of the distance of their fortune from that of their subjects and servants, cannot gather this fruit, except (to make themselves capable thereof) they raise some persons to be, as it were, companions and almost equals to themselves, which many times sorteth to inconvenience.

7. 两个外观上与许二和类似的混子在一边晃,他们没事,同样也被告别的人群刺激着,于是就竭力想表现自己的玩世不恭和高出侪辈,蹲地抹泪的许百顺成为他们的对象:瞧!
    Two street boys quite resembling Erhe in look are slouching beside. It is none of their business, but having been roused by the parting people, they are trying to exhibit their cynism and superiority. The crouching and weaping Baishun is picked as their target: Look!