

便函[biàn hán]

词典an informal letter sent by an organization便函。

便函 汉英大词典

便函[biàn hán]

an informal letter sent by an organization

便函 网络解释

1. Memorandums::针对书面交流能力教学改善提高商务英语写作技巧理解掌握有效书面交流规则理解书面交流的障碍课程主要内容商务信函(BusinessLetter)便函(Memorandums)通知(Notices)商务报告(BusinessReports)电子邮件(E-mail)任课教师:外教是英,

2. memorandum n:1036. melon n. (各种的)瓜 | 1037. memorandum n. 备忘录, 便笺, 便函, 买卖契约书 | 1038. menace n. 威胁, 危险物 . 恐吓, 危及, 威胁

便函 双语例句

1. 召树屯与孔雀公的结婚大典刚结束,边境便函爆发了战争,为了保卫国家的安全和百姓的生命财产,召树屯告别新婚的妻子,带领士兵到前线抗击敌人。
    Zhao Shu Tuen Peacock and the marriage ceremony has just ended, the border Pianhan outbreak of the war, in order to safeguard national security and people's lives and property, tree Tuen farewell call the wedding of his wife, led the soldiers to the front line against the enemy.

2. 便函的翻译

2. 这封便函我们需要50份。
    We need 50 copies of this memo.

3. 在便函中,应该避免使用包含太多信息的长而复杂得句子。
    In a memo, you should avoid using long and complex sentences that contain too much information.

4. 因此你在写这类便函时,应该将时间具体到点时间,地点具体到某房间。
    Saying when and where the meeting will be The meeting will be on Tuesday in the office building.

5. 便函的翻译

5. 我给总经理送去了有关你的投诉的便函
    I send the managing director a memo about your complaint.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 他回复我的便函了吗?
    Has he responded to my memorandum?

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 没人打听他到底在干些什么,不过,除了一些无关紧要的便函,从来没有什么重要的东西从他那儿送出来。
    No one inquired exactly what he did, but apart from a few innocuous memos, nothing of any consequence emerged.

8. 便函的意思

8. 那些通常古板做作的公司高层经理们,其作风可以被形容为粗暴,冷漠,脱离群众。甚至这些人也开始学习写便函去鼓舞人心,且获益匪浅。
    Even top corporate managers, who have mostly affected styles of leadership that can be characterized as tough, cold and aloof, have begun to learn the lesson, and earn the benef IT s, of wr IT ing notes that lift people up.

9. 鲍里斯不再到海伦那里去了,他每天接到她的带有责备意味的便函,他仍旧整天整天地在罗斯托夫家里消磨时光。
    Boris gave up visiting Ellen, received reproachful notes every day from her, and still spent whole days together at the Rostovs'.

10. 便函是什么意思

10. 你能告诉我信函和便函有什么区别吗?
    Can you tell me the differences between a letter and a memorandum?

11. 直到第四天傍晚他回到家时,才发现有一封便函等着他。
      It was not till the fourth evening that he found a note awaiting him on his return home.

12. 便函

12. 墙上有一帧镶框的总统亲笔便函,对她的好客表示感谢。
      On the wall was a framed handwritten note from the president thanking her for her hospitality.

13. 这就是那份发出的便函,他能安心处理其它事务了。
      This is the draft that goes into distribution and now allows him to turn his attention to other problems.

14. 便函

14. 她边写一封便函,边狼吞虎咽吃下了一个三明治。
      She crammed a sandwich down while she wrote a brief letter.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 几个月前我收到了一份便函,要求我所在的埃森哲(Accenture)办公室的员工们必须保持室内整洁,接受定期检查。
      A few months ago, I received a memo saying that employees in my facility at Accenture must keep their offices clean, subject to regular inspections.

16. 便函

16. 这封便函我们需要50份。(给每个分行送5份。)
      We need 50 copies of this memo. (Send five copies to each branch office.).

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 他让信差从事务所给奥兰斯卡夫人送去一封便函,询问可否在下午前去拜访,并请求她将回信送到他的俱乐部。
      From the office he sent a note by messenger to Madame Olenska, asking if he might call that afternoon, and begging her to let him find a reply at his club;

18. 便函的近义词

18. 无论是附信还是商务便函,写得好的人往往都不拘泥形式,刻板僵硬。
      Whether it's a cover letter or a business memo, the best writers don't sound stiff. 5. You need to address both sides of an issue.

19. 便函什么意思

19. 2003年3月27日,财政部发至原国家经贸委企业司关于《国有企业改革有关问题的复函》(财企便函【2003】9号)。
      On March 27, 2003, the Ministry of Finance sent the former Department of Enterprise of the State Economic and Trade Commissions 《 A letter in reply to relevant issues about SOE reform 》(【2003】 9).

20. 2003年3月27日,财政部发至原国家经贸委企业司关于《国有企业改革有关问题的复函》(财企便函【2003】9号)。
      On March 27,2003, the Ministry of Finance sent the former Department of Enterprise of the State Economic and Trade Commissions 《 A letter in reply to relevant issues about SOE reform 》(【 2003 】 9).