

俄顷[é qǐng]



词典in a moment一会儿,立刻,马上;须臾之间;眼看;弹指之间。

词典very soon不久;俄;俄顷。

俄顷 汉英大词典

俄顷[é qǐng]

[书] (顷刻; 一会儿) in a moment; presently; very soon:


    Presently the rain let up.

俄顷 双语例句

1. 人的一生只是俄顷之间而已,如果是这样那还值得浪费时间在争论尧桀的谁是谁非上吗?
    Now that it is so, is it worth wasting time to argue about right or wrong of good Yao and bad Jie?

2. 例句那我不费俄顷的的迟疑,或许早就是~的。
    Only the commands are to be obeyed!

3. 他记载了11世纪在安徽和江苏两省目击者的证词:初微开其房,光自吻中出。如横一金线。俄顷忽张壳,其大如半席,壳中白光如银,珠大如拳,烂然不可正视。十余里间林木皆有影,如初日所照;远处但见天赤如野火;倏然远去,其行如飞。
    He recorded the testimony of eyewitnesses in 11th century Anhui and Jiangsu (especially in the city of Yangzhou), who stated that a flying object with opening doors would shine a blinding light from its interior (from an object shaped like a pearl) that would cast shadows from trees for ten miles in radius, and was able to take off at tremendous speeds.

4. 俄顷雨止。
    Presently the rain let up.

5. 俄顷的反义词

5. 俄顷,盟军大炮轰炸,炮声震耳欲聋。
    All at once, the Confederate artillery thundered with a deafening roar.

6. 庞大的建筑物高高地屹立着,俄顷之间,青铜的门扇洞开,里面广大的空间清晰可见,地面是光泽平滑的砌石;穹形的屋顶上挂着一排排奇妙的灯盏,闪耀如星星,点着石脑油和沥青油的篝灯,亮堂堂的如同是从天上放出来的光明。
    Th'ascending pile Stood fixt her stately highth, and strait the dores Op'ning thir brazen foulds discover wide Within, her ample spaces, o're the smooth [725] And level pavement: from the arched roof Pendant by suttle Magic many a row Of Starry Lamps and blazing Cressets fed With Naphtha and Asphaltus yeilded light As from a sky.