

Let the letter;
信让 双语例句

1. 读到这么诚挚的信让我觉得很感动,和你的真诚比起来,其他一切都是那么的黯然失色。
    It's very touchable to read such a letter of true heart, which would make other things amount to nothing in comparison with your genuine emotion.

2. 他们的盲信让我无法进入他们的教堂。
    Their blind conviction repels me from their church.

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3. 亲爱的,感谢你发来的照片,你的信让我心里暖暖的。
    My Dearest Apple, thank you for your letter honey, it really warms my heart.

4. 一封封Greey寄来的充满爱的信让Holly重新找到自己的力量,擦干泪水抬头微笑。
    Greey sent a letter full of love letters let Holly re-find their own strength, wiped away tears, the rise of a smile.

5. 他带信让我们在汽车站接他。
    He sent word for us to meet him at the bus-stop.

6. 信让是什么意思

6. 那封被泄密的信让记者们很是兴奋。
    There was much glee among journalists over the leaked letter.

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7. 可以通过放一封展开的信让亡魂阅读。
    This can be done by leaving a letter, uncovered, for the spirit to read.

8. 这些信让一个不知内情的人读来,一定觉是很悲惨。
    The letters are very sad to any one who doesn't know all of the facts.

9. 信让的反义词

9. 你的信让我心里充满了欢乐,自从与你分手以后,我就一直闷闷不乐。
    It has filled my heart with joy since I left you I have been sad all the time.

10. 你的信让我想起了我们一起工作的时光。
    Your letter calls up the days when we worked together.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 这也许听起来有点怪:你的信让我想起了索马里。
      It might sound strange, but your letter reminded me of Somalia.

12. 信让的翻译

12. 读她的信让我们都感到有点伤心。
      Reading her letter made us all feel a little sad.

13. 他的信让我感到很难受。
      His letter left me feeling pretty bad.

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14. 我告诉她我可以给她开推介信让专科医生给他安排手术,但我希望她考虑几天再做决定。
      Of course I can give a referral, and I tell her so, but I suggest she take a few days to consider the matter.

15. 不信让他试试看。
      Just let him try it once.

16. 你写给我的信让我看见我前所未见的征兆我猜想我所渴望的男人都会从约会杂志里跳出来
      The letters you wrote to me Showed me the signs I've never seen I thought every man I'd want Falls out of a dating magazine

17. 与政府交好是生存所必需的,反对据信让众多政府官员中饱私囊的高尔夫业,不是明智之举。
      A good relationship with the authorities is necessary for survival, and going up against golf, an industry thought to be lining the pockets of many a government official, would not be a wise move.