

A thrifty man will be rich;
俭故能广 双语例句

1. 俭故能广的解释

1. 这些人在饱读诗书后,深知自己知识的不足,知道宇宙奥秘的浩瀚无边,因此谦虚、谨慎,不敢胡作非为;知道慈故能勇,俭故能广,不敢为天下先故能成器长的道理,小心翼翼地过活,幸运地保有天年而不至於夭折。
    After they become learned, they know well that their knowledge is insufficient and the secrets of Universe are infinite so they are modest, prudent and abiding. They know through love, one has no fear; through not doing too much, one has amplitude; through not presuming to be the first in the world, one can develop one`s talent and let it mature.

2. 我们做人做事还是把握基本原则比如老子的三宝:慈故能勇,俭故能广、不敢为天下先故能成器长以及中庸之道等不要为了讨好某人,某团体而做些傻事。
    We should abide by the basic principle of handling worldly affairs, such as Laozi`s three principles: Through love, one has no fear; Through not doing too much one has amplitude of reserve power; Through not presuming to be the first in the world, one can develop one`s talent and let it mature.