

Pour the trunk;
倒箧 双语例句

1. 当然,在听的时候我无暇察觉,我也是看回Tapescript才翻箱倒箧找回的,令我少查一些字。
    2005 Section A Tapescript:hard-earned(06-07 F.6 Regular Issue 3教过), only to find(Weird Sentences教过), an eye for an eye

2. 那天早晨,气温较低,还下着雨,但天气丝毫没有影响购物者的热情。她们无所畏惧,倾箱倒箧,决心过一把抢购名牌瘾。
    It was a cold and rainy morning, but the weather didn't dampen the enthusiasms of the fearless shoppers determined to get dibs on the new merchandise.

3. 倒箧

3. 方老太太当夜翻箱倒箧,要找两件劫余的手饰,明天给大媳妇作见面礼。
    Of jewelry salvaged from the war to present to her daughter -in-law the next day as a First Meeting gift.