

倒行逆施[dào xíng nì shī]



倒行逆施 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. dao xing'ni'shi:薄利多销 bo'li'duo'xiao 0 | 倒行逆施 dao xing'ni'shi 0 | 欺行霸市 qi'hang ba'shi 0

2. 倒行逆施

2. to put the cart before the horse:95.朽木不可雕也You cannot teach an old dog new tricks. | 96.倒行逆施to put the cart before the horse | 97.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧. When there is life, there is hope.

3. 倒行逆施的近义词

3. retroactretroaction:retroactivity 追溯既往 | retroactretroaction 倒行逆施 | retrocederetrocession 交还

4. 倒行逆施的近义词

4. attempt to go against the tide of history:attemperator || 保温装置, 保温器 | attempt to go against the tide of history || 倒行逆施 | attempt || 努力, 尝试, 企图 尝试, 企图