

倘如[tǎnɡ rú]



倘如 双语例句

1. 倘如的翻译

1. 倘如我们对自己诚实,我们就不得不承认:太多的父亲从太多的生活,太多的家庭中消失。
    But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing - missing from too many lives and too many homes.

2. 是以,倘如忽略这些小型或知名度不高的非营利组织,那麼将局限对台湾非营利组织的宏观了解。
    However, if we ignore the development and adaptation of these organizations, we will get incomplete features of Taiwan`s NPOs.

3. 倘如有人吓你,你是吸入气氛,仍旧吐出?
    Have someone scare you- did you suckin air- or blow it out?

4. 倘如是什么意思

4. 她不卑不亢的对我说:将军,我是楼兰的公主,我请你能善待我的子民,倘如你以为你的残暴能征服这块土地的话,那我则要告诉你,你永远也征服不了我们的心。
    Her cordial but independent of say to me:General, I am the princess of the building, I invite the son people whom you can treat kindly me, if if if you think your cruel can conquer this land, that I then want to tell you, you can't also conquer our heart forever.

5. 倘如的近义词

5. 倘如细细回顾20世纪30年代俄罗斯在斯大林统治,如此道义影响难言应得。
    Given what had happened in Russia under Stalin in the 1930s, that hardly seemed deserved.

6. 倘如的反义词

6. 倘如我们对自己诚实,我们就不得不承认:太多的父亲从太多的生活,太多的家庭中消失。
    But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing-missing from too many lives and too many homes.