

倦游[juàn yóu]

词典weary of wondering and sight-seeing倦游。

倦游 汉英大词典

倦游[juàn yóu]

[书] (游玩的兴趣已尽) weary of wondering and sight-seeing

倦游 双语例句

1. 几年之后,男孩倦游归来,又来到树的身边。
    And after years, the boy came back from both ends of the world.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 冬,像一双倦游的翅膀,逐渐在晨风中隐去;春,像一位倩丽的少女,迈着轻盈的脚步,摇摆着婀娜的身姿,正在向我们走来。
    Winter, like a pair of wings gradually fade in the morning; the spring Qianli like a girl, walked the footsteps of light, graceful swing of the posture, is to us.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 倦游的商贾和爱好山林的雅士们还没有发现它。那是一片平静宜人、不在任何 dd dtt。com 交通线上的处所,那里的人都过着物价低廉、生计容易 Dddtt、丰衣足食的乡村生活。美中不足的是地势较高,水源缺乏。
    Retired cloth-merchants rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet; it was a peaceful charming place, which was not on the road to anywhere: there people lived, cheaply, that peasant rustic life which is so bounteous so easy; only, water was rare there, on account of the elevation of the plateau.

4. 菲利浦怀着一份倦游归乡的挚诚,把北京当作安身立命的归宿、栖息灵魂的家园,苦心孤诣地渴望在中国得到抚慰与庇护。
    Philip Flower regards Peking as the homeland of his body and soul, longing for consolation there.

5. 倦游在线翻译

5. 倦游的商贾和爱好山林的雅士们还没有发现它。
    Retired cloth-merchants and rusticating attorneys had not discovered it as yet;