1. 老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,它只需要一根小树枝就够了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子,它又能喝多少?
To tell the truth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in the forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skinful of water at most.
2. 偃鼠什么意思
2. 老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,它只需要一根小树枝就够了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子,它又能喝多少?
In truth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skilful of water at most.
3. 老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,牠只需要一根小树枝就够了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子,牠又能喝多少?
In truth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skinful of water at most.