

Dummy false righteousness;
假人假义 双语例句

1. 虽然阳明学在朝鲜从来没有得到过真正的发展,但是由于当时占统治地位的朱子学空洞的理气之争以及以程朱道学为屏障的伪学、假人、假义论到处泛滥逐渐使程朱学成了一枚名利和私欲的图章,在全国失去了影响力。
    Though the study of YangMingnever developed completely in Korea, as a result of dominating and emptystruggle of ZhuZi study and the overflowing of pseudosclence, false men andhypocrisy with the principle of ChengZhu as protection made it a seal of vanityand selfishness, then lost its influence all over the country.