



词典imaginary enemy假想敌。


词典A Man of Straw[电影]假想敌。

假想敌 双语例句

1. 假想敌

1. 这就是为什么这些(J10机有假想敌的味道。
    This is why the planes smell of Aggressor use.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 一旦海军飞行员获取了F-16的飞行资格,他们将通过另外7周的训练来学习以假想敌的角色来飞战隼。
    Once the Navy pilots are qualified in the F-16, they go through another seven weeks of training to learn to fly the Fighting Falcon in the adversary role.

3. 假想敌在线翻译

3. 米什:当然,我同意下一场战争将是对一个假想敌
    Mish: I certainly agree the next war will be against an imaginary enemy.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 展示犬只有一点点猎杀和防守动力,它门繁殖是为了体型和非常的角度不幸已经丢失了坚强的神经系统,大多数这些狗面对非常的情况结局是失败,展示犬在欧洲必须通过某些工作测试,但是跟真正的工作血系德牧比它门严重确少某些工作能力,待续体育血系的狗通常不适合赶真正的工作,它门只能用来体育,它门的表演是建立在很高的猎杀动力上,几呼没有防守动力在里面,咬住套在生人手上的护袖只是一种奖利,许多这些狗可能不会保护它的主人和它的领地,真正的护卫训练,要求狗有相同的防守和猎杀动力,对狗来说假想敌就是敌人,,不是拿护袖的逗引者,假想敌所带的防护,是为了防护狗的攻击,而不应是狗攻击的目标买工作线德牧,要搞到动力平蘅的狗,国内玩德牧的很容易被被颜色,体形迷惑,以为狼青,黑色的德牧就是工作德牧能力就一定好,这是盲点,因为要繁殖颜色很容易,所以说工作犬的繁殖是专业的繁殖
    The show dogs in Europe must pass certain working qualifications but they are still seriously lacking in their working ability from a true working German Shepherd.

5. 假想敌

5. 当有了假想敌后,你可以给用户讲一个他们想听的故事。
    With a chosen enemy, you`re feeding people a story they want to hear.

6. 假想敌

6. 几乎所有的战争是针对假想敌和/或没有美国的切身利益。
    Nearly every war is against an imaginary enemy and/or of no vital interest of the US.

7. 假想敌的近义词

7. 在1995年至2002年间,F/A-18和F-5扮演了假想敌的角色。
    Between 1995 and 2002, F/A-18s and F-5s flew the adversary role.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 明确一个假想敌的好处是你能传播十分清晰的市场讯息。
    One bonus you get from having an enemy is a very clear marketing message.

9. 假想敌

9. 也是DVG认证的假想敌,并在世界各地演讲。
    He is also a DVG certified helper and lectures internationally.

10. 假想敌的反义词

10. 泰斯拉继续将生命力从他的假想敌体内挤走,有力的拇指捏到了柔软脆弱的要害之处。
    Tesla's powerful thumbs found soft and vulnerable places as he continued to squeeze the life from his would-be foe.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 与假想敌做拳击训练。那位拳手在他敌手的鼻上打了一拳。
      Go through boxing motions without an opponent. The boxer punched his opponent on the nose.

12. 他们可能是,如果你考虑到他们的基地同时也是驻扎蓝军假想敌的。
      They might be considering the base they are in also house Blue Flag aggressor units.

13. 汇率战争虽没有赢家,但你肯定能伤害自己的假想敌
      No one can win a currency war, but you can certainly hurt the purported enemy.

14. 假想敌的解释

14. 他用影像传递出更有力的声音,更胜他大多数假想敌们的文字运用。
      He's speaking louder with images than most of his ideological opponents do in words.

15. 与假想敌做拳击训练。
      Go through boxing motions without an opponent.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 浏览器显示假想敌和真人的相似部分越多,这个神经组织就会活动得越频繁。
      The scanner showed that the more human-like the features of the supposed opponent were, the more such neural activity increased.

17. 自二十世纪初开始,日本帝国军就将帝俄和后来的苏联当作第一假想敌
      From the beginning of the twentieth century, the Imperial Japanese Army regarded Czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union as its primary potential opponent.