

偷工减料[tōu gōng jiǎn liào]

词典use inferior materials and turn out substandard goods偷工减料。

词典cheat in work and cut down on materials偷工减料。

词典cheat on labour and materials偷工减料。

词典do shoddy work and use inferior material偷工减料。


偷工减料 汉英大词典

偷工减料[tōu gōng jiǎn liào]

use inferior materials and turn out substandard goods; cheat in work and cut down on materials; cheat on labour and materials; do shoddy work and use inferior material; jerry-build; save illegally on material and labour; scamp work and stint material; use

偷工减料 网络解释

1. 偷工减料什么意思

1. use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products:偷渡者stowaway | 偷工减料use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products | 透过现象看本质see through the appearance to perceive the essence

2. X X X X O:13. O O X X X :求知欲强,做事有始有终,文武兼备. | 14. X X X X O :机智狡猾,好逸恶劳,做事投机取巧,偷工减料. | 15. O X X X X :性情温顺,善于为人,办事圆滑机智,有时又耿直倔强.

3. jerry:jerrican金属制液体容器 | jerry偷工减料 | jerrybuilding低劣房屋