1. danci.911cha.com
1. 或卡嗒或击掌、或舞动或梦游、或欢笑或悲切,她似乎储聚了非洲大地的全部力量和所有声响:温存、感受和美好。
Dancing or dreaming, laughing or sad, she seemed to contain all the strength, warmth, sensuousness and burnished beauty of Africa, as well as all its sounds.
2. 或卡嗒或击掌、或舞动或梦游、或欢笑或悲切,她似乎储聚了非洲大地的全部力量和所有声响:温存、感受和美好。
Clicking, clapping, dancing or dreaming, laughing or sad, she seemed to contain all the strength, warmth, sensuousness and burnished beauty of Africa, as well as all its sounds.