

傻相 双语例句

1. 他听了这个回答发了一会儿呆,然后他竭力要掩饰自己露出的傻相
    He would have gone on further with his little flirtation, but the taste for it was temporarily removed.

2. 她有一双尖利而懂事的、不会漏掉任何东西的眼睛,脸上却故意装出一副傻相
    She had sharp, knowing eyes that missed nothing and a studiedly stupid look on her face.

3. 这时马丁。伊登却皱紧了眉头在想着自己那副傻相,更坚决地思考着该对他们采取什么态度。
    He wasn't of their tribe, and he couldn't talk their lingo, was the way he put it to himself.

4. 傻相

4. 脸上一副傻相
    He looked utterly stupid.

5. 傻相在线翻译

5. 他总是装出一副傻相来逗人。
    He was always fooling about.

6. 傻相

6. 我问过他两次话了,而每一次他都作出这种傻相,我还以为他不懂得我的话呢。
    I've questioned him twice now, and each time he looked so stupid I think he does not understand me.