1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 死就像生一样,它有它自己的方式,由不得你掌控它。
Dying is just like living. It has its own way, and you can't control it.
2. 像生的近义词
2. 这种分离,这种区分,就像生和死之间的那样,是由时间和思想所带来的。
This separation, this division, is brought about by thought and time, as living and dying.
3. 像生的解释
3. 他像生了根式地坐在座位上,几个年轻人开始诧异起来,并试图弄清楚他的身世
He sat rooted in his seat, and the young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life
4. 在造型上,商代玉器常常因物赋形,展示了艺术家们高超的技巧,并在像生造型中实现了摹形与传神的统一。
At modeling, the carving often formed their shape according to the real things, and realized the unity of imitating the shape and catching the spirit.
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. 它的大眼睛显得很年轻,可是不健康,几乎像生了水肿病似的。
Its large eyes appeared young and unhealthy, almost dropsical.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. 我整夜没睡;雾笛声一个劲儿在桑德海湾上凄恻地鸣响,我辗转反侧,像生了病一样,理不清哪些是狰狞的现实,哪些是可怕的梦魇。
I couldn`t sleep all night; a fog-horn was groaning incessantly on the Sound, and I tossed half-sick between grotesque reality and savage, frightening dreams.
7. 所以你只要将它们丢下来,连你的手指也不去摸一摸,你就会觉得道路容易了,你也会觉得像生了翅膀一样。
Just drop them; refuse to touch them with one of your fingers and you will find the path easy and you will be as if borne on eagle's wings.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. 摸他的胸部、脖子等总感觉像生了一层鳞,去医院就症过,可一停药就又犯了。
Touching his chest, neck and so gave birth to feel like a layer of scales, go to the hospital on the disease, and one drug may be committed again.
9. 像生
9. 发现在饥饿状态下,长杆状菌体开始逐渐弯曲,菌体两端靠近成环形,环形菌体又进一步盘绕收缩成微小球形体,微小球形体在一定条件下能像生孢噬纤维菌的小孢囊一样萌发形成长杆状菌。
Results We discovered that under starvation conditions, the long, flexible rod cell of Cytophaga hutchinsonii would bend and turn into circular cell. The circular cell failed to produce carboxymethyl cellulase. Some of the circular cells might further wind around and turn into tiny spherical cells.
10. 像生
10. 相声古作像生,原指摹拟别人的言行,起源于华北地区的民间说唱曲艺,明朝开始就已盛行,发展至民国初年逐渐从一个人摹拟口技演变成为单口笑话,再逐步发展为单口、对口、群口,至此相声成为了一个体系完整的表演艺术形式,而其中对口相声最为观众所喜爱。
The crosstalk is actually a form of dialogue based on linguistic form. One player act as narrator also known as the main speaker called Dougen, the other man called Penggen who should chime in to support his partner.
11. 像生什么意思
11. 像生盆景是运用各种玉石、金银铜铁、绢纱、珍珠、珊瑚等材料用手工模份制成盆景,堪称以假乱真。
Artificial bonsai refers to the vivid bonsai made of jade, gold, silver, copper, iron, silk and coral, etc.
12. 他没有回答;她跳起来,脸色像生了病一样苍白。
He did not answer; and, sickly white, she jumped up.
13. 这陌生人的举止像生而富贵的人。
The stranger's conduct was that of a man who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
14. 像生与死3和铁拳这类的战斗游戏也属于动作类游戏,虽然他们的规则和动作类游戏的规则略微不同。
Fighting games like DOA3 and Tekken also can be considered a type of action game, even though their rules are slightly different.
15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
15. 大脑是一个让人迷惑的器官,就像生和死、意识、睡眠和其他更多的东西,这都是人类关于人脑至今也没有解开的谜团。
The brain is a befuddling organ, as are the very questions of life and death, consciousness, sleep, and much more. Here's a heads-up on what's known and what's not understood about your noggin.
16. 他的脚像生了根,心也悸动不安
Then he'd just stand there rooted to the spot, his heart racing
17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
17. 品尝术语,用来描述酵母的特殊味道(就像生面团味)。
Yeasty Tasting term used to describe the distinctive smell of yeast (as in unbaked bread dough).
18. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
18. 中国出土商周时期的乐器,体表所饰动物纹样大致有像生动物纹和幻想动物纹两种。
There are two kinds of zoic decorative patterns on the musical instruments excavated from the Shang-Zhou Period: the realistic animal pattern and the imaginative animal pattern.
19. 像生盆景是清代宫廷中的陈设用品,多寓意吉祥。
Artificial bonsai was used for decoration and had the meaning of auspiciousness.
20. 每次帮哭之后,你银娇奶奶总像生了一场大病,脸色很难看,坐在凳上起不来。
Each time after crying, you Granny Yinjiao looked terribly tired and pale, unable to get up from the bench, as if she was stricken by a serious disease.