

僧徒[sēng tú]

词典Buddhist monks僧徒。

僧徒 汉英大词典

僧徒[sēng tú]


Buddhist monks

僧徒 双语例句

1. 僧徒的意思

1. 当即有个黑袍白袈裟的小僧徒从里面出来,到讲坛的两旁点起了几簇蜡烛。
    Shortly thereafter an acolyte in black gown and white surplice appeared and lighted groups of candles on either side of the altar.

2. 唐开元年间,新罗国僧金乔觉来此卓锡,死后被僧徒当作地藏菩萨化身,辟九华为地藏王道场,此后山区寺庙林立,佛教取代了道教,清最盛时,有寺庙300余座,僧尼500余人。
    Tang Kaiyuan, the new Luo Jin Qiaojue come Zhuoxi monk, monks after his death was regarded as the embodiment of Jizo, the provision of Jiuhua for Ksitigarbha temple, after mountain Lin temple, Buddhist place of Taoism, clear height, there were temples and more than 300 seats, more than 500 Buddhist monks and nuns.

3. 最早来此译经的僧人是东晋时来华的古印度的昙摩耶舍;南朝刘宋永初元年(400年),印度梵僧求那跋陀罗又在此设戒坛,立道场,为僧徒传律授戒;梁天监元年(502年),印度和尚智药三藏来此讲演经法,还把带来的菩提树植于寺内;梁普通八年(527年),菩提达摩携带释迦的衣钵到达广州,也曾在此传授禅宗的学说;陈永定之年(557年),西印度增人波罗陀在寺内译经40部;唐神龙元中(705年),西域僧人般刺密谛三藏于此译《楞严经),相国房融并为之笔授。
    Translation of the first to come here when China Eastern Jin Dynasty monk is the ancient Maya Indian Tan homes; Liu Song beginning of the first year of the Southern Dynasties (400), India Fanseng Gunabhadra also located in this Jietan, Li Dojo, Sengtu-law Shoujie; beam days the first year of Supervisor (502), India and Shangzhi drug Sanzo to this speech by the law, even the bodhi tree planted in the temple; General Liang 2008 (527), Bodhidharma with Buddha Shoes at Guangzhou, also in the Zen teaching doctrine; Chen for a year (557), the West Indies by people in the Baltic Tuo temple Translation 40; Tang Shenlong yuan (705), the Western Regions as monks thorn Di Sanzo this translation of Surangama Sutra, the melting of the country and has delegated pen.

4. 而魏晋清谈文约意广的价值追求,则为玄言诗创作的语言风格,提供了重要的参照系统。本文第二章梳理玄言诗的发展过程,将玄言诗的发展分为三个时期:正始时期以阮籍、稽康为代表,是滥觞期;西晋时期以张华、陆机、陆云等为代表,是酝酿、准备期;东晋以郭璞、兰亭诗人、僧徒诗人、陶渊明为代表,是隆盛期。
    The factors include the social changes after the end of Han Dynasty, metaphysic thoughts and approaches, the literary thoughts in Wei-Jin times, the tradition of the creation of philosophical poems and its development in the Jian-an Age at the end of Han Dynasty, the seeking of the value of succinctness and extensiveness of pure talks by philosopher wits in Wei-Jin times.

5. 僧徒什么意思

5. 于是,他叫僧徒们外出化缘,集资铸钟,希望拾得也能听到寒山寺的钟声。
    He was overjoyed and asked the monks of his temple to go begging for donations so that a bronze bell could be cast for the Cold Mountain Temple, hoping that its strokes could reach the ears of Shi De.

6. 僧徒急忙将其赶下座来,随即罢免了他的堂任,叫他厨下干活。
    Buddhist monk rush, down seat come it in a hurry, fire hall of him let, ask him work under the kitchen immediately.

7. 中国突出儒家思想,以至于园林显出入世治世和诗情画意的文人气质;日本突出佛家思想,显出弃世厌世和枯禅清淡的僧徒气质。
    Chinese and Japanese classical gardens are all based on Taoism, Confu-cius and Buddhism, but these three theo-ries are shown differently in the gardens of the two countries.