

Son big not by Niang;
儿大不由娘 双语例句

1. 雪花是天公的女儿,每个雪花儿都有不同的外形,她们纯洁、妩媚、而多棱,在四季的期盼中孕育成熟,儿大不由娘,何况那不知凡尘清幽的父亲,他深爱着女儿们,想把一切世间的美好都给那些聪慧而漂亮的小天使,于是就在每年的冬季让她们选自己的爱,给自己的心一个归宿。
    Snow is the daughter of God, each snowflake has a different shape children, they are pure, charming, and look at the four seasons in the breeding mature mother son big not to mention that I do not know quiet crowd as his father, he was aware of loved daughter who wants all those who gave the world a better intelligent and beautiful little angel, so on at the annual winter so that they elected their own love, give my heart a home.